Category: Exhibition – Artist Residency

  • Paradise Found

    Paradise Found

    Casa do Jardim da Estrela Project created during the Artist Residency ‘Paradise Found 2021’ | Imagerie – Casa das Imagens Paradise Found” is a project that aims to reflect on the sustainability of contemporary artistic practices, especially photography, through the plastic exploration of urban green spaces. With this project, we intend to create a visual work…

  • Ellas Illustran Botánica

    Ellas Illustran Botánica

    Green Open Gallery | Exhibition in El Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid Green Open Gallery showcases the excellence of contemporary botanical illustration by 21st-century artists. The illustrations in this gallery were submitted in response to an open call, disseminated through social media and in collaboration with prestigious botanical illustrators’ societies, such as the Korea Botanical Arts…

  • BIG Guimarães

    BIG Guimarães

    Portuguese Illustration Exhibition – at Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães (Portugal)

  • Contos Geresianos

    Contos Geresianos

    Artist Residency and Exhibition Illustration Artist Residency ‘Aldeias Criativas’, 2023Campo do Gerês (Portugal)Promoted by Associação Rural VivoProject supported by Direção Geral das Artes In January I did a one month residency in Campo do Gerês, a village in the heart of the Peneda-Gerês National Park. The project was focused on the creation of a series…

  • Paradise Found’21

    Paradise Found’21

    Artist Residency Paradise Found’21 | Imagerie – Casa das Imagens Paradise Found” is a project that aims to reflect on the sustainability of contemporary artistic practices, especially photography, through the plastic exploration of urban green spaces. With this project, we intend to create a visual work that reflects on these aspects while exploring forms of…

  • Lisbon Map of Historic Shops

    Lisbon Map of Historic Shops

    Lisbon Map of Historic Shops