Category: Medium
Pasta and Flour
Illustrations in gouache and watercolor for the brand NacionalClient: Poets&Painters
Sardinhas de Lisboa
Sardine Contest, promoted by EGEAC Lisboa This sardine doesn’t want to be dry or ruin the party! It comes to warn that climate change is real, as is the scenario of extreme drought. Let’s not let the party die! Esta sardinha não quer ser uma seca, nem estragar a festa! Mas vem alertar que as…
Nature Route in Vinhais
Ink pen drawings of the existing species in the Vinhais ecosystem, 2023Client: Bioinsight & Ecoa / Centro de Atividades da Natureza – Moimenta/Vinhais (Portugal)
Pé Fértil
A guide to good practices for organic and biodynamic agriculture, 2024-21Design: Playground Atelier | Client: Sementes Vivas – Living Seeds, SA.
Gharb Al-Andalus
Illustrations for the article ‘Gharb al-Andalus‘ (2022) in Magazine Portico 3 (Vanguard Properties)Text: Jorge Dias Felner / Design: SilvadesignersRead the online version here.
FOmE Projects
Revista FOmE it’s an acessible underground cultural magazine. Live illustration At the Performing Arts Festival MAPS (Mostra de Artes Performativas de Setúbal), 2021-23 FOmE Vol. IX Collective exhibition + Magazine ‘Fome Vol IX’ Launch – at Antiga Cooperativa – Pinhal Novo (Portugal), 2022
Citizen Science
Article ‘Citizen Science: What is this way of participating in Science?‘, in Magazine Gerador 37 (2022)Text: Inês Navalhas / Art Direction: Margarida MataLer o artigo online aqui (português).
Lemon or Pomegranate
Cover Illustration for ‘Agenda Atarefada’ – Lemon or Pomegranate2022 Diary designed by Marisa Santos
Botanical Studies
Bromus squarrosus L.Bromus squarrosus Bromus squarrosus L. is an annual grass, from the family of Poaceae. Squarrosus is latin and means “with spreading tips”. Bromus squarrosus L. é uma gramínea da família das Poaceae. É uma espécie vulnerável segundo a Lista da Flora Vermelha da Flora Vascular de Portugal Continental. Hibiscus rosa-sinensisHibisco,Rosa-da-China Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is…